Position Paper on "Digital Transformation and the Use of Generative AI"

AmCham Mongolia showcasedm public and private sector efforts to further AI integration in Mongolia with its position paper on "Digital Transformation and the Use of Generative AI". The presentation was a comprehensive policy update at the Inter-Chamber Digital Committees Online Meeting, a beta effort to keep the flow of digital policy conversations among local chambers. AmChams from the region, including The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, AmCham Indonesia, and AMCHAM Myanmar, attended the meeting. The concept originated from MangoTango Asia discussions with other digital committees throughout Asia during the previous years as part of the USAID-sponsored regional Digital Economy Forum projects. Sharing updates, concepts, and methods is beneficial, particularly when navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of digital policy mand regulation. Dr. Rob York and Dr. Bradley Murg, a political economist from the Digital Economy Forums, gave a presentation on "Trump Policy and Asia's Digital Future"; while AmCham Mongolia gave an update on Mongolia's AI policy. AmCham is grateful for MangoTango Asia's leadership and especially acknowledges Obortech and LendMN, members who submitted case studies for our position paper on AI development in Mongolia.