The Millennium Challenge Account - Mongolia joins AmCham Mongolia as a member.

The Millennium Challenge Account - Mongolia joins AmCham Mongolia as a member.

Millennium Challenge Account – Mongolia” is a state-owned entity established by the Government Resolution No 297, dated October, 2018 to implement the Mongolia Water Compact signed with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. government foreign aid agency. Under the Mongolia Water Compact, MCA Mongolia is implementing  Water Supply Project that comprises 3 closely related investment activities and the Program aims to address the problem of limited long-term sustainable supplies of water for the capital city, Ulaanbaatar, as described below.

The Downstream Wells Activity supports the development of two new wellfields downstream of Ulaanbaatar, including the construction of 30 new wells in the two downstream wellfields, associated pumps, local collection pipelines, equalization tanks, and a transmission line to convey the water from the wellfields, an advanced water purification plant located at the western edge of the city to remove contaminants and storage facilities, pumping station, and conveyance pipeline to transport finished water from the purification plant into the existing municipal water network of Ulaanbaatar.

The Wastewater Recycling Activity supports the recycling and reuse of a large quantity of wastewater effluent from the central wastewater treatment plant (“CWWTP”) through the construction of a wastewater recycling plant, pumping stations and associated pipelines to convey the recycled water to water storage facilities near combined heating and power plants (CHP) and internal piping, storage facilities, and control systems to facilitate the use of recycled wastewater for certain processes within CHPP-3 and CHPP-4.

The Water Sector Sustainability Activity supports interventions that address improvements in policy, legal, regulatory, and institutional framework and build capacities of water sector organizations and will improve the long-term sustainability of the water sector in Ulaanbaatar.