Tax Working Group and Legal Committee - 2025 February update

Representatives from AmCham Mongolia’s Tax Working Group and Legal Committee convened a meeting with Gankhuyag Khassuuri, a Member of the State Great Hural and Chair of the Parliament's Tax Working Group.

During this meeting, AmCham presented the ten most pressing issues impacting Mongolia's tax environment, accompanied by policy recommendations, including the effective implementation of the tax dispute mechanism. The current practice of demanding the full amount from tax audit assessments prior to the resolution of disputes poses a considerable risk of immediate bankruptcy for businesses. To enhance Mongolia's international standing and ensure stability for businesses, it is advised to discontinue aggressive enforcement practices.

Several questions were addressed throughout the meeting. AmCham Mongolia was urged to maintain its proactive engagement in the legislative process by articulating the interests of the private sector.

We extend our sincere gratitude to MP Gankhuyag Khassuuri for his constructive approach. We also wish to thank our members for their participation in the meeting, where they expressed their concerns and sought clarification on the anticipated actions regarding this crucial reform.