AmCham Mongolia co-authors Position Paper on Developing an Environmentally Friendly Auto and Machinery Industry

Through its Auto and Machinery Committee, AmCham Mongolia and the Mongolian Automobile Distributors’ Association (MADA) has developed a policy paper titled "Developing an Environmentally Friendly Auto and Machinery Industry". The policy paper outlines key challenges in promoting an environmentally friendly auto sector in Mongolia and proposes certain policy recommendations based on local initiatives and international best practices in handling these issues. The challenges and recommendations were developed with input from key stakeholders, raised and discussed during an Eco-friendly Auto Industry policy workshop held on May 11, 2018. The workshop was organized by AmCham Mongolia and MADA, in cooperation with the Ministry of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia and the Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia.

The paper was prepared by the executive teams of AmCham Mongolia and MADA, under the leadership of the  Chairman of AmCham Mongolia’s Auto and Machinery Committee Garrett Wilson. The Auto and Machinery Committee operates under the authority of the AmCham Board.

All rights to this publication remain with AmCham Mongolia and MADA. Any part of the report may be freely reproduced with the appropriate acknowledgement.

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