AmCham Mongolia’s Position Paper on Supporting a Competitive Mining Sector in Mongolia

Through its Mining and Heavy Industry Committee, The American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia (AmCham Mongolia) has developed a policy paper titled "Support a Competitive Mining Sector in Mongolia" to present and discuss major policy issues to support the development of a competitive mining industry in Mongolia. The Position Paper outlines key challenges in the mining industry and proposes some policy recommendations based on international best practices in handling these issues.

AmCham Mongolia stands ready to discuss the challenges and suggested solutions with the state's authorities to make sure that necessary policy actions are taken to promote development of the competitive mining sector in Mongolia.

The paper was prepared by the AmCham Committee and valuable inputs from all members under the leadership of the Chairman of AmCham Mongolia’s Mining and Heavy Industry Committee Mr. Ch.Munkhbat. The Mining and Heavy Industry Committee operates under the authority of the AmCham Board of Directors.

All rights to this publication remain with AmCham Mongolia. Any part of the report may be freely reproduced with the appropriate acknowledgement.

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