AmCham Position Paper: Proposals for Cabinet's 2020-2024 Action Plan

As a result of the 2020 parliamentary election, new Cabinet led by Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh is formed in July, 2020, and it officially requested the American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia (AmCham Mongolia) to submit its proposals for Cabinet's 20202024 action plan.

AmCham Mongolia firmly believes that Mongolia's current social and economic issues can be addressed through the growth of a strong and competitive private sector. Moreover, a private sector-led economy will provide sustainable development for the country and for the well-being of current and future generations of Mongolians.

Based on input from AmCham Mongolia's members and our Roadmap for Growth 2020, AmCham Mongolia is making the following policy recommendations for Cabinet's 2020-2024 action plan.

AmCham Position Paper: Proposals for Cabinet's 2020-2024 Action Plan ENG

AmCham Position Paper: Proposals for Cabinet's 2020-2024 Action Plan MON


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