Doorknock 2022
AmCham Mongolia’s Doorknocks offer our members a unique opportunity to meet with top U.S. government officials at the White House, Congress, U.S. government agencies, the headquarters of policymakers, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Doorknocks allow our members to provide their input, ideas, and recommendations concerning how policies made in Washington impact political and economic relations between the U.S. and Mongolia, as well as on the companies, investments, trading partners, and organizations they represent. Our Doorknocks have elements of a trade mission, where top U.S. companies and investors engage with Mongolian companies in business-to-business meetings in Silicon Valley, New York, and Washington, D.C.
The Doorknock is a great opportunity for the private sector to highlight the importance of the third neighbor relationship with Mongolia, and remind Washington and U.S. corporations of the ties between our two countries and opportunities for doing business, trade, and investing in Mongolia.
Due to shortcomings in Mongolia’s legal, business, and investment environment and shortfalls in growing the framework required to advance economic and trade relations between the U.S. and Mongolia, we have decided not to hold our annual Doorknock in the United States. It has become apparent that the Mongolian government and private sector speak two very different languages regarding Mongolia’s economy, business, and investment environments. AmCham is a strong advocate for growth through a private sector, free-market, free enterprise-driven economy to attract and retain investment and business.
In response to these concerns, AmCham will organize a Mongolia Doorknock to engage with Mongolian authorities and policymakers in a fashion similar to our engagement in the United States, and with the same goals of advancing trade, investment, and business. AmCham’s Mongolia Doorknock will allow business leaders from our membership to engage with a range of high-level Mongolian officials and policymakers. Through these engagement opportunities, they will be able to convey the policy messages of the private sector—including pre-requisites to improve the business, legal, and investment environment—and engage in discussions about broader-scale cooperation, including enhanced trade and bi-lateral and regional cooperation.
AmCham Doorknock 2022
The proposed Mongolia Doorknock will be held from June 21-23, 2022, focusing on the following policy priorities:
1) Improving Mongolia’s business and investment environment
2) Improving Mongolia’s trade relations with the U.S. and through U.S. regional initiatives
We will meet with the Office of the President, the Speaker of Parliament, the Prime Minister, line ministries, members of Parliament, heads of parliamentary standing committees and government agencies, and other stakeholders. We will also look for opportunities to include the U.S. Embassy and the upcoming visit by a congressional delegation from the House Democracy Partnership.
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